Porter’s 2 Weeks Post-Op

We’ve made it to two weeks post-op and all is going well for Porter and our family. Porter saw the oncologist on Tuesday with my son, Konrad, while we listened via skype from our apartment in Germany. Dr. Clifford was very thorough and explained everything clearly and concisely and gave my son a written report that he emailed to us.
Porter’s Prognosis:
Location of tumor- proximal humerus, poor
Slightly elevated alk.Phos, slightly poor
Normal blood counts, good,
Age, poor
No visual metastases, good
Dogs receiving chemotherapy, good

After much discussion, we have decided to follow the treatment plan for chemotherapy. Porter will receive 5 doses of doxorubicin every other week with blood counts every week. He begins chemotherapy this coming Tuesday, which is a little over 2 weeks post-op. Today he has his staples removed. We can’t believe that he has left his incision alone! It has healed nicely so far. So far so good…Friends have stopped by and say Porter is doing great, much better than before surgery. We hope that he tolerates his chemotherapy and continues to progress.

5 thoughts on “Porter’s 2 Weeks Post-Op”

  1. It sounds like you have two WONDERFUL kids: Konrad and Porter…and right on for getting to the landmark two week mark. My girl starts chemo on Aug. 12, and I am also nervous. Please keep us updated on Porter and his recovery and chemo.

  2. That’s a really good update! I know you’re feeling some much needed relief!

    I just want to add—-strongly add——Porter’s attittude and zest for life are far better indicators of how he’ll do than any ole’ stupid “age number”! We have a lot of “mature” dogs with “young at heart” attitudes who are handling things just fine!

    I’m sure the vet discussed possible side effects, etc. so you can always stop if the treatment is too hard on him..or switch to metronomics. More and more options are developed everyday.

    Look forward to more updates AND pictures:-) Hint, hint”

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. My Franklin as 14 when he had his amputation.. and like Sally said.. it’s just a number!!! I am sure he will breeze through the chemo with no problems.!! Although my Franklin did not have the chemo, I have heard that it really does not affect our furbabies like it does us humans.

    yes.. pictures would be nice!! We all love pictures of this gosh darn dang cute Tripawds!!!!

    it makes us all smile!!!!

  4. Always good to have a plan of action. Glad he is doing good and healing well. Look forward to the next update.

    Luanne and Shooter

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