Day#3 post-Op

Sunday night Porter was restless, crying and he kept waking up my son. Neither of them slept much. Porter had his pain patch changed Sunday evening so maybe he was feeling more uncomfortable until his new patch began working. On Monday morning both he and my son were tired. My son was able to go into work late that day. We had our dog sitter visit at mid day to check on Porter and he walked outside, laid on the grass and would go no further. I guess he was very tired! The dog sitter iced his incision outside, gave him water to drink and coaxed him back inside. When my son got home from work that evening, Porter had pushed his wicker crate just far enough for him to escape his small sleeping area in our kitchn and was asleep on the couch in our TV room. He got down when my son returned home( he is uually not allowed on the couch). The important thing was that he had done this 3 legged on his own. That evening, he ate all his food and sat next to my son all evening watching TV. That night, thankfully, he slept though the night and my son was able to go to work on time.

4 thoughts on “Day#3 post-Op”

  1. Porter, I bet you can use this three legged thing to your adcantage big time!! You keep on getting on that sofa (but not quite yet, jumping’s not good for your stitches!) and pretty soon they’ll even buy you your own sofa!!

    Tripawds have a way about them where we can never spoil you guys enough!! Work it boy, work it!!:-)

    Sooooo glad Porter is feeling better so quickly. Now, it’s not u common to feel better one day and then kinda’ crash the next for the first week…or so….

    Yoy still take a mighty fine picture Porter,…..even if you are a little zapped out on drugs!

    You are a very loved dog and soon, your sparkle will be back full force and everyone will realize the unbelieveable deep bond that develops…’s one of the great gifts of this journey!

    Eating and drinking? Congratulations Porter!! What color couch are you picking out formyourself? I think royal blue would go well with your hair color! And trust me, they’ll be treating you like “royalty”!

    Keep these wonderful updates coming AND great photos!!

    And to THE son… are a “good boy” too:-) 🙂

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Such a sweet boy. Sounds like he is taking some baby steps back to his new normal. Little things make us cheer around here!

    Luanne and Shooter

  3. Hey Porter, I know it’s ruff but your recovery sounds pretty normal. I love the way your people are focusing on the little, positive steps you are taking, it’s a great way to get through this very temporary recovery.

    Keep it up!

  4. Porter looks like he’s smiling! It is so encouraging to see him. Oscar had his surgery this am. They called and said he did great, no problems and they’ll call tonight when he wakes up. When your dog is in this this position you just cling to posts and pictures like yours and they provide such hope so thank you so much! I’ll continue to keep Porter in my prayers.

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